Website Error Log. 

This page lists the last few HTTP errors on this website.
  Date/Time = The website date and time someone tried to load the page. 
  IP address = The IP address of the user trying to load the page. 
  Page URL = The address of the page that could not be loaded. 
  Status = The HTTP status codes. (See list below) 
The following URL's would not load on the listed error date, but may have been OK before and/or after this date.
 Date:  Time:  IP address:  Page URL:  Status:
27/04/2024 2:15pm  404 
27/04/2024 1:22pm  404 
27/04/2024 12:46pm  404 
27/04/2024 4:45am  403 
27/04/2024 2:09am  404 
26/04/2024 10:12pm  404 
26/04/2024 10:12pm  404 
26/04/2024 9:21pm  404 
26/04/2024 8:02pm  404 
26/04/2024 8:01pm  404 
26/04/2024 7:24pm  404 
26/04/2024 6:59pm  404 
26/04/2024 6:39pm  404 
26/04/2024 6:39pm  404 
26/04/2024 6:24pm  404 
26/04/2024 4:28pm  404 
26/04/2024 12:53pm  404 
26/04/2024 12:47pm  404 
26/04/2024 8:08am  404 
26/04/2024 5:57am  404 
26/04/2024 5:37am  404 
26/04/2024 3:34am  404 
26/04/2024 2:09am  404 
25/04/2024 10:52am  404 
25/04/2024 10:46am  404 
25/04/2024 5:58am  404 
25/04/2024 12:21am  404 
24/04/2024 11:06pm  404 
24/04/2024 9:40pm  404 
24/04/2024 9:38pm  404 
24/04/2024 8:26pm  404 
24/04/2024 8:12pm  404 
24/04/2024 7:15pm  404 
24/04/2024 7:14pm  404 
24/04/2024 5:19pm  404 
24/04/2024 4:25pm  404 
24/04/2024 2:44pm  404 
24/04/2024 8:17am  404 
24/04/2024 7:48am  404 
24/04/2024 7:48am  404 
Note: Only the last 40 records are displayed here.

    HTTP status number list:
    Only some of the following are error and recorded on this website.
  • HTTP 100 = Continue. Server received request headers, and client should proceed to send the request body.
  • HTTP 101 = Switching protocols. Requester asked server to switch protocols and the server is acknowledging it.
  • HTTP 102 = Processing. The server has received and is processing the request, but no response is available yet.
  • HTTP 103 = Checkpoint. This code is used in the resumable HTTP requests. Resume/aborted PUT or POST request.
  • HTTP 122 = Request-URI too long. IE7-only code allows a maximum of 2083 characters.
  • HTTP 200 = Requested document has been processed and sent to you.
  • HTTP 201 = Created. Request fulfilled and a new resource is being created.
  • HTTP 202 = Accepted. Request has been accepted, but processing has not been completed.
  • HTTP 203 = Non-authoritative information. Server processed the request, but is returning information that may be from another source.
  • HTTP 204 = No content. Server successfully processed the request, but is not returning any content.
  • HTTP 205 = Reset content. Same as 204 response, but also requester reset of the document view.
  • HTTP 206 = Partial content. Server delivering only part of resource due to a range header sent by client.
  • HTTP 207 = Multi-status. Message body that follows is an XML message.
  • HTTP 226 = IM used. The server has fulfilled a GET request for the resource.
  • HTTP 300 = Multiple choices. The client may follow a number of different choices.
  • HTTP 301 = The document or directory has been moved permanently.
  • HTTP 302 = Found. Server received data and the redirect should be issued with a separate GET message.
  • HTTP 303 = Redirect web applications. Server received data and the redirect should be issued with a separate GET message.
  • HTTP 304 = Not modified. The resource has not been modified since last requested.
  • HTTP 305 = Use proxy.
  • HTTP 306 = Switch proxy.
  • HTTP 307 = Temporary redirect. The request should be repeated with another URI.
  • HTTP 308 = Resume Incomplete.
  • HTTP 400 = A bad HTTP request was sent from your browser to the website.
  • HTTP 401 = Unauthorised. You may have entered an invalid password.
  • HTTP 402 = Payment required to view the file or directory.
  • HTTP 403 = Forbidden. You do not have permission to view the page.
  • HTTP 404 = The file or directory was not found.
  • HTTP 405 = Method not allowed. EG. Using Get and not Post.
  • HTTP 406 = Not acceptable. Requested resource is only capable of generating content.
  • HTTP 407 = Proxy authentication required.
  • HTTP 408 = Request timeout. Server timed out waiting for the request.
  • HTTP 409 = Conflict. Request could not be processed because of conflict in the request.
  • HTTP 410 = Gone. The resource requested is no longer available and will not be available again.
  • HTTP 411 = Length required.
  • HTTP 412 = Precondition failed. The server does not meet one of the preconditions request.
  • HTTP 413 = Request entity too large. The request is larger than the server can process.
  • HTTP 414 = Request-URI is too long.
  • HTTP 415 = Unsupported media type.
  • HTTP 416 = Requested range not satisfiable. Request for portion of file that server cannot supply.
  • HTTP 417 = Expectation failed. The server cannot meet the requirements of the expect request-header.
  • HTTP 418 = I'm a teapot. This code was defined in 1998 as one of the traditional.
  • HTTP 422 = Unprocessable Entity. The request was correct but was unable to be followed due to semantic errors.
  • HTTP 423 = Locked. The resource that is being accessed is locked.
  • HTTP 424 = Failed Dependency. The request failed due to failure of a previous request.
  • HTTP 425 = Unordered Collection.
  • HTTP 426 = Upgrade required. Should switch to a different protocol.
  • HTTP 444 = No response. Nginx HTTP server extension.
  • HTTP 449 = Retry with a Microsoft extension. (Windows Parental Controls are turned on)
  • HTTP 450 = Blocked by Windows parental controls. (Windows Parental Controls are turned on)
  • HTTP 499 = Client closed request. Nginx HTTP server extension.
  • HTTP 500 = Internal Server Error. Could be bad script code, invalid .htaccess file, etc.
  • HTTP 501 = Not Implemented. Server dose not recognise the request method, or can not fulfill the request.
  • HTTP 502 = Bad Gateway. The server received an invalid response from the upstream server.
  • HTTP 503 = Service unavailable. Could be due to too much traffic for server.
  • HTTP 504 = Gateway timeout. Could be due to too much traffic for server.
  • HTTP 505 = HTTP Version not supported by website server.
  • HTTP 506 = Variant negotiates.
  • HTTP 507 = Insufficient Storage on webdite server.
  • HTTP 509 = Bandwidth Limit Exceeded for website.
  • HTTP 510 = Not Extended.

This page was last updated on;
27/04/2024 - 4:02pm GMT+01:00 / BST
(Summer time)